Carretera Jocotepec-Chapala #131, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jal. México. Office: 37-6688-2626
Welcome to Lake Chapala!
Often referred to as the “land of eternal spring”, the Lake Chapala area is reputed to have the second best climate in the world.
Lake Chapala is located in a valley at 5200 feet (1584 meters) above sea level, keeping the humidity is very low. The mountains surrounding the lake protect it from northerly winds and the average year-round temperature is 75 degrees.
Ask residents their favorite time of year, and nearly all will respond “rainy season”, which are the months from mid- June to late October. During this time of year the nighttime rains wash everything clean and the mornings arrive fresh and sunny. The mountains turn a lush green and flowers are everywhere.